Arab Commission for Human Rights
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International NGO in special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations




 "The impact of the global financial and economic crisis on the universal realization and the effective enjoyment of human rights", Human Rights Council, Friday 20 February 2009, afternoon


Special Session:




Madam President,

Madam High Commissioner,

The Arab Commission for Human Rights (ACHR / CADH) commends this special session which represents a test on the Council's ability to tune into this crisis and to provide recommendations and solutions in terms of respect and the promotion of human rights.

Honorable delegates,

The fallout of the global financial crisis threatens not only the economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development, but also civil and political rights.

We have recently witnessed a resurgence of the frequency of violations of fundamental rights of association, assembly and expression, and a worrying decline in freedom of the press in many parts of the world.

Peaceful demonstrations against high prices and unemployment have been banned and the security forces fired live ammunition on unarmed demonstrators, causing many deaths.

Also mention the rise of racism against immigrant workers, knowing that this category is the first victim of arbitrary dismissal, unemployment and marginalization. Immigration policies have been tightened inhumanely, which led, in many cases, to serious violations of the rights of immigrants, particularly in administrative detention centers.

We are also witnessing an upsurge in attacks against human rights defenders and trade unionists in many countries. 
Honorable delegates,

We regret that the draft resolution does not take sufficiently into account the importance of civil and political rights, including the inderogable rights in all circumstances.

The proposed project makes no reference to the binding framework, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the UN Convention against Corruption and the conventions of the International Labor Organization.

The delegate of Brazil said at the opening of the informal consultations, that the crisis of the thirties led to a world war, whereas the crisis of the Seventies gave birth to dictatorships in Latin America .


What is required today is the search for the "best way" (Al Aqwam masalik) to solve the current global financial crisis, without falling into war or dictatorships.

And we see no other way than the Human Rights Based Approach, Madam High Commissioner kindly remembered this aspect this morning.

Finally, relating to the success of this special session, we call for the extension of the session to allow for a better Resolution at the height of the crisis, including stressing respect for non-derogable rights under all circumstances, and putting emphasis on Human Rights Based Approach.

Tank you

Abdel Wahab Hani

Permanent Representative in Geneva



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